Your Obligations

A person in control of a premises has a duty of care to:

    • Investigate the premises for the presence or possible presence of ACM;
    • Develop and maintain a register of the identified or presumed ACM, including details on their locations, accessibility, condition, risk assessment and control measures;
    • Assess the condition of any ACM that is found and the associated asbestos risks;
    • Develop measures to remove the ACM or otherwise to minimise the risks and prevent exposure to asbestos; and
    • Ensure that the control measures are implemented as soon as possible and are maintained as long as the ACM remain in the workplace.
    • Meet their occupational health and safety legislative requirements to protect workers and building occupiers from hazardous materials. Regulation 445 of the The National Code of Practice – How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace states:

A person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure workers who they reasonably believe may be involved in asbestos removal work in the workplace or the carrying out of asbestos-related work are trained in the identification, safe handling and suitable control measures for asbestos and ACM.


For more information in Asbestos please click here.

Asbestos Awareness Training 

Environmental Site Services provide training in line with the Code to include:

    • demonstrate the purpose of asbestos training
    • the health risks of asbestos
    • the types, uses and likely presence of asbestos in the workplace
    • the persons conducting a business or undertaking maintenance, and the worker’s roles and responsibilities under the Asbestos Management Plan
    • where the asbestos register is located, how it can be accessed and how to understand the information contained in it
    • processes and safe work procedures to be followed to prevent exposure, including exposure from any accidental release of airborne asbestos
    • where applicable, the correct use of PPE including respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
    • the implementation of control measures and safe work methods to eliminate or minimise the risks associated with asbestos to limit the exposure to workers and other persons 
    • exposure standard and control levels for asbestos
    • purpose of any exposure monitoring or health monitoring that may occur

Training is tailored to suit your business and audience. We include asbestos registers, examples from within your workplace and applicable control measures to ensure all attendants are trained accordingly.